Vodun F.A.Q. – How are sex, orientation, and gender perceived in Vodun?

Fire Flight

Update March 10, 2023: Because of a spate of homophobic content being posted in the African spirituality community, I needed to address the issue of colonial gender roles and labels, why homophobia is quite bluntly, a “white” supremacist affliction, and how posting homophobic content is participating in human sacrifice. Please…

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Vodun F.A.Q. – How does Vodun approach abortion? What is the perspective on abortion in African spirituality?

African Spirituality is pro choice. To be considered a competent midwife you must learn birth control and how to humanely end pregnancy.

In short, Vodun and diaspora belief systems are pro choice. Individuals may have their own opinions about it and various houses and groups may approach it differently, but generally, abortion is not considered something inappropriate or “sinful”. It could be classed as unfortunate or misfortune when it has to be…

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