What is Four Thieves Vinegar and what is it used for?

Four Thieves Vinegar is an infusion of lavender, sage, rosemary, and thyme in cider or wine vinegar.  It is widely used in the Voudou, Hoodoo, and Conjure in the African diaspora.  Like the Voodoo doll, its origin is European, but it has been very well adopted.  So the legend goes, four thieves during the black plague in Europe gave the recipe in exchange for their lives.  They said this is how they managed to rob plague victims without catching the disease themselves.

It is a very powerful antiseptic that can be used to heal, to purify, to bless, and to curse depending on how it is applied.  Recipes vary, and sometimes the ingredients are completely different.  So if you buy it from somewhere, and you need specific things to be in it, ask about the recipe used.

Aside of using it as an antiseptic and for root work, the non toxic recipes make an excellent salad dressing.  Just mix it with oil.

Making your own is relatively easy.  Just half fill a jar or bottle with herbs, then pour vinegar over it to fill the bottle.  Cap it tightly, and keep it in a cool, dark place for three months.  During that time, shake it vigorously every few days.  Strain out as much as you need, or strain all of it and store it.

Basic Four Thieves Vinegar

  • 1 part lavender flowers
  • 1 part sage
  • 1 part thyme
  • 1 part rosemary
  • 2 parts cider or wine vinegar

Internal Cleansing or Justice Vinegar

  • basic herbs plus:
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 30 peppercorns

Compassion Vinegar

  • 1 part lavender
  • 1 part tea roses or rose petals

Oshun’s Hot Love Vinegar

to put in your lover’s food/salad to make them more amorous

  • two handfulls tea roses or chamomile
  • two teaspoons fenugreek crushed or powdered
  • one teaspoon yellow mustard seeds
  • a half finger’s size ginger root
  • two heaping tablespoons of stevia
  • 1 liter of white vinegar

Psychic Protection Vinegar

Protects against psychic attacks.  Use it in the shower when you are preparing to go into an adversarial situation or a crowded place or when jealous or exploitive people may direct negative energy towards you.  It is also a great acid rinse for the hair and body.  Pour it on, let it soak in for a minute, then rinse off.

  • 1/4 cup lavender
  • 1/4 cup rosemary
  • 1/4 cup dill
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 chip dried garlic
  • 5 cloves
  • 1 liter of white or white wine vinegar

There are many kinds of vinegar infusions that can be used for many things.

K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of Orisha.me.

One Comment:

  1. I’m interested in more information about Orishas and voodoo

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