Sheloya’s Hoodoo Bones System

Symbol Bones

The symbols used for the symbolic bones are standard Adinkra and well-known symbols in Africa and the diaspora.

  • eye = jealousy, possessiveness
  • sankofa heart = learn from your past or return to something or recover something lost in the past
  • Gye Nyame (the power of God) = God/the spirits have the matter in hand or you should stay out of God’s way in the matter
  • Akoben (war horn) = conflict, someone talking behind the back, someone slandering
  • coffin = death, ending, resolution, loss
  • )( overlapping = unity, joining, togetherness, oneness
  • ) ( separated = divorce, breakup, separation
  • fish = fertility, sex, pregnancy, a woman of fertile age, a mother, a whimsical woman, or whimsy
  • cowrie shell = money, prosperity, vested interest
  • spider = wisdom, planning, craftiness, trickery
  • African/Egyptian heart = power of love, marriage, wedding, motherly love, familial love, irrational attachment, love despite bad behavior
  • western heart = romantic love
  • ace of spades = death, extreme danger
  • dagger = backstabbing, double cross, scam, shady deal, hidden danger
  • peacock = pride, self confidence, arrogance, a boaster, a physically beautiful person, physical beauty, aesthetics
  • comb = beauty, self care, caring for someone, femininity
  • lightning bolt = anger, power, a fast change
  • star = hope, charisma, something or someone special
  • grid = family, society, a strong marriage, civilization, politeness
  • spoon = comfort, food, practical nurturing
  • leaf = herbs, plants, farm, growth, prosperity

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K. Sis. Nicole T.N. Lasher

Webmatron of


  1. Pingback: Orisha Online Altar − Bone Reading of the Day: March 12, 2011

  2. Pingback: Orisha Online Altar − Reading Bones

  3. For those of you who are New To Orisha Hoodoo Bones and are “NOT” Aware of their Symbols~what they look like.
    I found the Picture and their meanings, Here is the Link with the:
    “Andinkra Symbols” !

  4. first thankyou for your help and guidence in reading the bones. Although i have a question. A friend of mine reads bones but in a much different maner he found his set from a dead deer and usually when gives a reading takes a hand full of bones from a bag and casts them on the ground the give a reading on what he sees in the bones ie images that they form? Is this a true form of bone reading as none of the bones he has have a serton meaning also i have seen a 4 bone system used also?

    • Thank you for your question. Your friend, so long as they have done right by their pantheon’s deities and spirits of divination, as well as the animal parent-spirits or Ancestors, is practicing a legitimate form of osteomancy. Though it’s not anything-goes, there is no one way to do these things that is the right way. Every culture and belief system has their way, including Christians who rely on channeling and clairvoyant prophecy.

      You can read an overview of osteomancy here:

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